What can I expect at our session?

Great Question!

Sessions typically last about an hour. I’ll start with the “Christmas card photo” where everyone is snuggled in, looking & smiling at the camera. Once that’s knocked out, the real fun starts! I’ll use some prompting to help you relax and that’s when the magic happens; in those natural moments of interaction.

What should I wear?

Wear what makes YOU feel good!

No really. You will be much more comfortable in front of the camera if you’re not fussing with your clothes. You want your connection to stand out, not your outfit. So for my own family, I generally go with neutral colors, mix in a pattern & add a texture. There are tons of ideas on Pinterest, but if you need suggestions don’t hesitate to reach out, I’m happy to help!

When will I get my photos?

2-4 weeks

I will post a sneak peek of a few photos within 24 hours, and your final gallery with print release will be delivered to you via a password protected online gallery within 2-4 weeks of your session date.

Do you offer mini sessions?


I offer mini sessions a couple times a year, follow along on my Facebook & Instagram pages to be the first to know when they are!

Will I get the unedited/RAW photos?

Short Answer: No

Part of what you’re paying for when you schedule a session is my time to carefully curate and edit a gallery for you. So just like a painter wouldn’t give you a half-done canvas, I won’t provide unedited/RAW photos. To get an idea of my editing style, take a look at my portfolio!

Can I share my photos?

Absolutely, YES!

Share away, friend! I do request you give credit for the photos, so I can continue growing my incredible client base. And please do not add your own filters or otherwise alter or edit the photos, I work really hard to ensure you receive a beautiful gallery.

More questions? Reach out!